Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Princess Layer Cake

I made this pun based illustration as a companion to my Han Solo Cup, and as part of a series that I would like to continue of parody based Star Wars characters.  If memory serves me right, I believe I started to develop this particular piece sometime during Comikaze 2016.

Similar to the Han piece I wanted to make sure I did some research on the correct outfit, and any other characteristics to properly pun-ify Princess Leia into 'Princess Layer Cake'.  I played a bit with the color initially before finally deciding on 'chocolate' as her flavor, it just offered more contrast, and made more sense in the end.  I finalized the image sometime in 2017, right before Wondercon of that same year.  I attempted to have the image placed on bags, but ran into copyright issues with vendors who were unwilling to overlook the obvious Parody Laws that protect imagery.  I did however have the image made into both prints, and buttons to sell that year.
It is entirely digital, made in Illustrator, Painter, and Photoshop.

The image is also available at my etsy store as a print, or a button.

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