Sunday, April 9, 2023


One of my favorite shows to do all year with Gallery1988 is their annual-ish ‘oNE Sheet’, which requires participants (like moi), to choose a game from the early era of home consoles. Initially I wanted to do a follow up to my piece from last year which centered around my love for the Final Fantasy franchise. While I always enjoyed the initial outing I chose for last year’s contribution, the sequel (Final Fantasy 2* for the Super Nintendo), was by far my favorite. The only issue was, I wanted to do the game justice, which would require (for me), a play through. The problem was however, I couldn’t lock down a version that I could play through quickly enough, so instead I pivoted to another favorite that I could recall more clearly, Castlevania.

(*Final Fantasy 4 as it is now commercially known. It was the second installment to hit the United States but it was actually the fourth installment in the franchise overseas.)

Original concept for oNE Sheet based on the 1st installment of the Castlevania franchise.

While I had a sketch for the original ‘Castlevania’ by Konmai on the NES that I had loosely developed, I decided instead of portraying the ‘original’ outing I should pay homage to one of my favorite adaptions in the series, and quite possibly one of the most despised, ‘Castlevania (64)’, and it’s companion ‘Legacy of Darkness’. While the prior was simply known as ‘Castlevania’, for clarity purposes I added the 64, and I should also note, ‘Legacy…’, was what now would be referred to as an ‘uncut’ or ‘director’s cut’/‘complete’, edition by today’s standards. It is also the first installment to break the trend of it’s brethren, moving us into three-dimensional space (much like Mario did on this system). Since this piece consists of so many characters and elements in the game, I’ll briefly discuss the story as best as possible without ruining so many of the elements it introduced that were unique to it’s design, but there might be some spoilers.

First pass at Reinhardt Schneider.

In the opening of the game we are initially introduced to two playable characters (and possibly cousins given their linage). One should look familiar as the traditional whip-wielding/sword swingin’ ‘Belmont’, who for the first time, is not a ‘Belmont’, but a ‘Schneider’, ‘Reinhardt Schneider’ to be exact. Our second adventurer is a young girl named ‘Carrie Fernandez’, who unlike her counterpart, uses magical homing energy bolts to dispatch enemies, in addition to a set of rings for close combat. Both of their respective connections to the franchise is the speculation of many fans, but most likely, ‘Carrie’ is a descendant of ‘Sypha’, although much like every ‘Belmont’, she too is the last of her clan (an implied trope). Here I could tell their tale, but since I am including a nod to ‘Legacy…’ in this piece, it would only make sense to explain how that comes into play. According to what I was able to untangle during this game’s development, a third playable character was supposed to be introduced, and perhaps even more than that. The additional character was a shape-shifter by the name of ‘Cornell’, who’s adventure takes place as a prequel before that of our heroes. Still with me?


A small collection of the vast cast of characters from the game (Renon/Death/Cornell/Tower of Sorcery)


Okay so, let’s start chronologically to avoid confusion. In ‘Cornell’s’ storyline, his sister is taken for a sacrifice by ‘Dracula’ and his cronies. This requires our hero to infiltrate the compound and take her back. His questline sets us up for the next two adventurers, and includes a few new areas, bosses, and alternative routes through previous environments in the original version of the game. In both of our vampire hunter’s quests, their agenda is simply the dutiful destruction of ‘Dracula’ himself, however, each encounters a unique character on their journey further complicating their success. Each one also has a few of their own levels, and an antagonist in addition to the proprietor they will encounter throughout their journey. The game also features an element of time which can be puzzle dependent, and a few other surprises as well. The cast is also fleshed out with some supporting characters such as vampire hunter ‘Charlie Vincent’, the tortured soul ‘Rosa’, ‘Malus’ the lost child, the mysterious merchant ‘Renon’, ‘Actrise’ the witch, our old pal ‘Death’, and ‘Dracula’ himself. Most, are represented if not outright depicted in the illustration.


Carrie Fernandez, our heroine and Belnades ancestor.

With the story elements in mind, I turned to my iPad, and began developing the image. I wanted the image to look like an epic poster insert, or perhaps an animated series promotional. I had an anime inspired style when sketching, and to keep myself in that realm, I made sure to have a lot of the medium playing the background. Luckily, I also had all the source material I would even need as I still retained the strategy guide from when I purchased the game back so many decades ago (1999). It proved to be a great resource, especially when attempting to design the specific parts of the illustration like the castle, or detailing the clothing on the characters. 


'Malus' the lost child, and the Tower of Sorcery.

I went through several variations of layouts, going back and forth between a horizontal and vertical orientation.  I envisioned the piece vertically, but during development, it was obvious a horizontal design would work better for how this piece was progressing. I also ended up redrawing ‘Reinhardt’, multiple times before finally settling on a pose I was satisfied with. Over time, some of my decisions helped make others easier in choosing what, or who, to depict, and how.  For instance, I knew both ‘Reinhardt’, and ‘Carrie’ would need to be front and center. I found ‘Carrie’ to a more interesting design, so she got center stage, and ‘Reinhardt’ was essential in framing many of the transitional vignettes I wanted to display. I kept many of the stereotypical elements in a ‘Castlevania’ image like the moon, title (which is a direct reproduction of the ‘Legacy…’ title color palette), and castle. Most of the images are strict character designs, but in order to keep the image from getting to cluttered I figured some more symbolic representation might be in order. For ‘Rosa’, I used ‘Reinhardt’s’ whip as a transitional device, and had the tail end of it become a rose vine, connecting back to when the players first encounter her in the castle. The crystals, as most players will recognize, are only found in the lair of ‘Actrise’, and also provided me with the option of introducing more contrasting color into the piece. Thankfully, the whip, and moon designs help look a viewer back into the image, and offer continuous eye movement. One element that I did retain from the original concept was the level inclusion. Originally for the NES piece I wanted to include a nod to each stage or boss in the game, here, in the 64 edition, I was able to do that since it primarily takes place in the castle, who’s design and structure I was able to replicate. The only part of the game to take place (outside of the ocean voyage taken by ‘Cornell’ in ‘Legacy…’), were the forest and villager scenarios, both of which I included. While the sewer levels are essentially subterranean, and not easily depictable, I figured I could indicate them with the ‘waterway’ openings I took the liberty to add.  


The vampire hunter Charlie Vincent , and Rosa's garden.

The entire piece was developed in Procreate on my iPad which I started on February 5th, 2023 (the initial sketch I mentioned prior was drawn on August 30th, 2021), and I finished the piece on April 9th, 2023 (at 7:43pm to be exact). I clocked in approximately two hundred and sixteen (216 ) hours, and eighteen (18) minutes working on this piece. Most of that time was sketching, with a handful of them (about three), in Adobe Illustrator to create a few of the icons on the bottom of the poster. Originally, I only wanted to include a few icons, but the ones I did have made the image unbalanced, and I was required to add more to reestablish symmetry. Some time was also spent in Adobe Photoshop, editing the piece before sending it off to print.


This generation's Belmont heir, Reinhardt Schneider.

The 12” x 18” image (printed on 100lb Cover, thank you SGX), was made for Gallery1988’s ‘oNE Sheet’, a tribute show to video games from early days of the home console.  The show was originally scheduled to run from May 12th, 2023, through May 27th, 2023, with all remaining works available on the gallery’s website. At this time the prints are exclusively available via the gallery, so please check their website for all remaining works related to the show including mine.


Final 18" x 12" image of 'Castlevania 64'.

For more information, or to see a catalog of my other work, please visit my online store here

You can also find me on various social media platforms below doing a multitude of other artistic things that include hand lettering, and the occasional sculpting, crafting or painting.



Etsy: Stiles of Art

Threadless: mistiles

LinkedIN: Michael Stiles

IG:  stiles1978

TikTok: stiles1978

Pinterest: Michael Stiles

Tumblr:  stiles1978

Twitter: stiles_of_art


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