Thursday, December 25, 2014


IF (Illustration Friday) 12/19/14, the topic was Home.  This was a challenging topic for me to come up with anything that "spoke" to me.  Eventually, after playing around with some ideas, and sketches I finally came up with the final product.  Originally I was going to spell out the word home using objects from the film adaptation of 'The Wizard of Oz', but eventually I scrapped that, for what I perceived to be a much more clever design choice.  I also wanted something simple given that I haven't completed an IF in over 2 weeks, mostly due to the hectic nature of the 'Holidays', work, and family obligations.  I'm pleased with the overall design, and how it came out.  The piece is entirely digital, structured in Illustrator, and refined in Painter with some manipulations done in Photoshop.